Sunday, February 6, 2011

Making Money From the Internet

From the Media Decoder blog at the New York Times on Saturday:

On Thursday, NBC’s news division staged an elaborate presentation for advertisers, seeking to sell commercial time in NBC’s news programs over the next year. All the members of MSNBC’s prime-time lineup spoke at the lunch with one exception: Keith Olbermann, the network’s biggest star.

For the last several weeks, Mr. Olbermann and the network have been in negotiations to end his successful run on MSNBC, according to executives involved in the talks who requested anonymity because the talks were confidential. ... Friday’s separation agreement between MSNBC and Mr. Olbermann includes restrictions on when he can next lead a television show and when he can give interviews about the decision to end his association with the news channel.

The executives involved in the discussions confirmed that the deal carries limitations for Mr. Olbermann in terms of when he can next work on television, though he will be able to take a job in radio or on any forum on the Internet. The deal also prohibits the host from commenting publicly on the deal, the executives confirmed. ... None of the executives who discussed the deal would reveal the exact length of the restrictions.
The article quotes free-speech law professor Marvin Ammori as questioning the move and saying via email that "Comcast’s shakedown of NBC has just begun."

Comcast denies any involvement and says it has pledged "not interfere with NBC Universal’s news operations."

So, who you gonna believe — your lying eyes? Or that nice cable provider you send all that money to?


NOTE FROM JOHN: Sure, the exit was planned weeks ago - that's why Keith said Friday night that he was told Friday would be his last show (and making it sound like he was JUST told), and that's why Keith didn't even tell anyone he was leaving until his last show was on the air. None of this sounds like a deal that was worked out weeks ago. Though, note the quote: weeks in the making. You could argue it was months or years in the making, if you want to talk about souring relationships.

And yes, the restrictions on when Olbermann can next go on the air are sickening. I suspect, and hope, NBC/Comcast paid Olbermann millions to keep him off the air. But as consumers, and politically aware Americans, it's disturbing as hell that NBC and Comcast just required one of the top voices of the left, if not its top voice on television, to STFU for the foreseeable future. It only makes the move by NBC and Comcast look all the more political, and worse, partisan.

The Dumbest Creep On The Internet Strikes Again

Home - by BigFurHat - January 24, 2011 - 04:10 UTC - 12 Comments

Matty, Matty, Matty

Sex Offender Blockbusting

Steve Randy Waldmann conveys an interesting money-making possibility from Scott Wentland:

Still, for all the finance and economics I encountered at the conference, Wentland is the only person whose work suggested a way to actually turn a profit. Wentland presented a paper at the conference. I missed the presentation, but read the paper after the fact. It is empirical work very nicely done, and it tweaked the antennae of my inner, amoral arbitrageur. I now think of registered sex offenders as roving Groupons for home flippers. Wentland and his coauthors provide strong evidence that you could make a lot of money persuading an ex-cellmate to move near a nice, four bedroom home in rural Virginia, and then to move away after you’ve bought the home.

Maybe when the real estate market picks up again people will start doing this. Indeed, I sort of hope they do since my impression is that these sex offender databases should probably be done away with and screwing with people’s real estate value seems like the most likely way to make that happen.


I don’t know about any of you, but after sex offender and murderer, progressive is on my list of who I don’t want to live next door to. And there is a database that has these records, it’s called voter rolls. I say we release those so we can make educated choices as to where we live.

ht. angry pancreas

benchcraft company scam

Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

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From the Media Decoder blog at the New York Times on Saturday:

On Thursday, NBC’s news division staged an elaborate presentation for advertisers, seeking to sell commercial time in NBC’s news programs over the next year. All the members of MSNBC’s prime-time lineup spoke at the lunch with one exception: Keith Olbermann, the network’s biggest star.

For the last several weeks, Mr. Olbermann and the network have been in negotiations to end his successful run on MSNBC, according to executives involved in the talks who requested anonymity because the talks were confidential. ... Friday’s separation agreement between MSNBC and Mr. Olbermann includes restrictions on when he can next lead a television show and when he can give interviews about the decision to end his association with the news channel.

The executives involved in the discussions confirmed that the deal carries limitations for Mr. Olbermann in terms of when he can next work on television, though he will be able to take a job in radio or on any forum on the Internet. The deal also prohibits the host from commenting publicly on the deal, the executives confirmed. ... None of the executives who discussed the deal would reveal the exact length of the restrictions.
The article quotes free-speech law professor Marvin Ammori as questioning the move and saying via email that "Comcast’s shakedown of NBC has just begun."

Comcast denies any involvement and says it has pledged "not interfere with NBC Universal’s news operations."

So, who you gonna believe — your lying eyes? Or that nice cable provider you send all that money to?


NOTE FROM JOHN: Sure, the exit was planned weeks ago - that's why Keith said Friday night that he was told Friday would be his last show (and making it sound like he was JUST told), and that's why Keith didn't even tell anyone he was leaving until his last show was on the air. None of this sounds like a deal that was worked out weeks ago. Though, note the quote: weeks in the making. You could argue it was months or years in the making, if you want to talk about souring relationships.

And yes, the restrictions on when Olbermann can next go on the air are sickening. I suspect, and hope, NBC/Comcast paid Olbermann millions to keep him off the air. But as consumers, and politically aware Americans, it's disturbing as hell that NBC and Comcast just required one of the top voices of the left, if not its top voice on television, to STFU for the foreseeable future. It only makes the move by NBC and Comcast look all the more political, and worse, partisan.

The Dumbest Creep On The Internet Strikes Again

Home - by BigFurHat - January 24, 2011 - 04:10 UTC - 12 Comments

Matty, Matty, Matty

Sex Offender Blockbusting

Steve Randy Waldmann conveys an interesting money-making possibility from Scott Wentland:

Still, for all the finance and economics I encountered at the conference, Wentland is the only person whose work suggested a way to actually turn a profit. Wentland presented a paper at the conference. I missed the presentation, but read the paper after the fact. It is empirical work very nicely done, and it tweaked the antennae of my inner, amoral arbitrageur. I now think of registered sex offenders as roving Groupons for home flippers. Wentland and his coauthors provide strong evidence that you could make a lot of money persuading an ex-cellmate to move near a nice, four bedroom home in rural Virginia, and then to move away after you’ve bought the home.

Maybe when the real estate market picks up again people will start doing this. Indeed, I sort of hope they do since my impression is that these sex offender databases should probably be done away with and screwing with people’s real estate value seems like the most likely way to make that happen.


I don’t know about any of you, but after sex offender and murderer, progressive is on my list of who I don’t want to live next door to. And there is a database that has these records, it’s called voter rolls. I say we release those so we can make educated choices as to where we live.

ht. angry pancreas

benchcraft company scam

Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

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benchcraft company scam

Time Expired .....item 4..I Shot an Arrow into the Air (1960)  ... by marsmet45

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Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

bench craft company reviews

From the Media Decoder blog at the New York Times on Saturday:

On Thursday, NBC’s news division staged an elaborate presentation for advertisers, seeking to sell commercial time in NBC’s news programs over the next year. All the members of MSNBC’s prime-time lineup spoke at the lunch with one exception: Keith Olbermann, the network’s biggest star.

For the last several weeks, Mr. Olbermann and the network have been in negotiations to end his successful run on MSNBC, according to executives involved in the talks who requested anonymity because the talks were confidential. ... Friday’s separation agreement between MSNBC and Mr. Olbermann includes restrictions on when he can next lead a television show and when he can give interviews about the decision to end his association with the news channel.

The executives involved in the discussions confirmed that the deal carries limitations for Mr. Olbermann in terms of when he can next work on television, though he will be able to take a job in radio or on any forum on the Internet. The deal also prohibits the host from commenting publicly on the deal, the executives confirmed. ... None of the executives who discussed the deal would reveal the exact length of the restrictions.
The article quotes free-speech law professor Marvin Ammori as questioning the move and saying via email that "Comcast’s shakedown of NBC has just begun."

Comcast denies any involvement and says it has pledged "not interfere with NBC Universal’s news operations."

So, who you gonna believe — your lying eyes? Or that nice cable provider you send all that money to?


NOTE FROM JOHN: Sure, the exit was planned weeks ago - that's why Keith said Friday night that he was told Friday would be his last show (and making it sound like he was JUST told), and that's why Keith didn't even tell anyone he was leaving until his last show was on the air. None of this sounds like a deal that was worked out weeks ago. Though, note the quote: weeks in the making. You could argue it was months or years in the making, if you want to talk about souring relationships.

And yes, the restrictions on when Olbermann can next go on the air are sickening. I suspect, and hope, NBC/Comcast paid Olbermann millions to keep him off the air. But as consumers, and politically aware Americans, it's disturbing as hell that NBC and Comcast just required one of the top voices of the left, if not its top voice on television, to STFU for the foreseeable future. It only makes the move by NBC and Comcast look all the more political, and worse, partisan.

The Dumbest Creep On The Internet Strikes Again

Home - by BigFurHat - January 24, 2011 - 04:10 UTC - 12 Comments

Matty, Matty, Matty

Sex Offender Blockbusting

Steve Randy Waldmann conveys an interesting money-making possibility from Scott Wentland:

Still, for all the finance and economics I encountered at the conference, Wentland is the only person whose work suggested a way to actually turn a profit. Wentland presented a paper at the conference. I missed the presentation, but read the paper after the fact. It is empirical work very nicely done, and it tweaked the antennae of my inner, amoral arbitrageur. I now think of registered sex offenders as roving Groupons for home flippers. Wentland and his coauthors provide strong evidence that you could make a lot of money persuading an ex-cellmate to move near a nice, four bedroom home in rural Virginia, and then to move away after you’ve bought the home.

Maybe when the real estate market picks up again people will start doing this. Indeed, I sort of hope they do since my impression is that these sex offender databases should probably be done away with and screwing with people’s real estate value seems like the most likely way to make that happen.


I don’t know about any of you, but after sex offender and murderer, progressive is on my list of who I don’t want to live next door to. And there is a database that has these records, it’s called voter rolls. I say we release those so we can make educated choices as to where we live.

ht. angry pancreas

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Time Expired .....item 4..I Shot an Arrow into the Air (1960)  ... by marsmet45

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Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

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Time Expired .....item 4..I Shot an Arrow into the Air (1960)  ... by marsmet45

bench craft company reviews

Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

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Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

benchcraft company portland or

Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

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benchcraft company portland or

Time Expired .....item 4..I Shot an Arrow into the Air (1960)  ... by marsmet45

benchcraft company portland or
benchcraft company portland or

Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

bench craft company reviews

Can You Make Money On The Internet?

You've seen the ads all over the Internet about how you too can be making money right now On-line and you just can't help wondering if there is any truth to it.

The simple answer is yes, but there is a caveat or two or a thousand that you need to know before you start spending any money on the expert or "guru" advertising his/her latest 'road to riches' scheme.

The truth is that there is a lot of money to be made on the Internet and there are folks who make their living, and a good living at that, on the Internet but there is something that you need to know. No matter what you have been told or what you have heard, making money on the Internet is hard work.

Let me repeat that, making money on-line is hard work and it is not uncommon for the true Internet marketers to spend eight, ten, twelve or more hours on-line working hard to make that money.

So if your question is whether you can make money on-line then the answer is yes but please don't think for one second that you're going to set up one website, submit it to Google and a week later you'll be lying on a beach drinking a fruity rum based drink. That is not going to happen and I don't care who says what to the contrary.

For example, if you are reading this article then you are helping me earn a couple of cents and with any luck a few million of your closest friends will find this article enticing enough to read it. Each one of them will maybe help me earn a typical days wages two cents at a time.

What you need to keep in mind is that this article didn't write itself. There is a real life human being who had to sit down, think of a subject to write about and then start the actual writing. Then there are revisions and corrections to make which combined can easily eat up an hour or two (if you're a pro at writing articles) and even then there is no assurance that any On-line content company such as Associated Content will want to use my article.

It's the same thing with all forms of Internet marketing and until you start making enough money to start outsourcing some of your work then that beach and rum based drink are a long way off.

So lets look at some of the ways that people do make money on-line and at the end of this article I'll tell you what the easiest way of making money on-line is and it's something that you can start doing right now.

As you've already guessed, among other things, I'm a freelance writer. Whether I'm a good writer or not is debatable but that is one of the ways that I make some portion of money on the Internet.

As I already said, I have to think of a subject to write about, I have to sit down and write my article in such a way so as to hold the attention of my potential readers and I have to hope that some on-line content company or blog will be willing to either buy the article from me or pay me residuals based on how many people read or click on my article.

There are people out there that try to use nefarious means to rewrite or "spin" existing articles and then try and pass them off as new or fresh content but honestly those folks don't get very far and those that manage to do a good job of "spinning" existing articles spend at least as much effort on their task as I don on writing one original article. So I do not recommend the nefarious method. I do however recommend article writing if you enjoy writing. It might not make you rich but it can be very fulfilling.

Next we have affiliate marketing and in essence affiliate marketing sounds like a no-brainier. Sign up with some big companies that have popular products, set up a website and start placing that companies ads all over your site then wait for the money to start rolling in.

Sorry, it doesn't work that way and if that is your idea of affiliate marketing then perhaps it isn't for you.

The truth is that in order to do affiliate marketing you need a website that gets a lot of traffic to it. Nobody is going to go to a website that only displays a couple of banner ads and little else. You need to create or generate content for your website that is interesting enough to the average Internet user so that he or she will want to visit your website again and again. Hopefully, during one of those visits that person will notice and click and buy one of the products that you are marketing for that company.

So there you are again, you're either writing articles for, this time, your own website with the hopes that you can entice folks to come to your website to read what you have to say. You don't have to be restricted to writing, you can do videos or you can post your photo's or share recipes or whatever. The point is that you have to work hard to create content for your website in order to have the traffic that may potentially click on your banner ads.

Oh, then you have to worry about getting a good placement on Google and other search engines. That's a full time job in itself and not something I even want to attempt to touch upon for the purposes of this article.

Lets say that you are ranking well on the search engines, you still have to find other websites to exchange links with in order to stay in good favor with those same search engines. How can people come to your site if they can't easily find you.

There are multitudes of ways to make money on the Internet but the description above pretty much covers a majority of them. Whether you set up a website to sell your own products or to display your affiliates ads, you have to work at it to get the traffic to your website.

Some less scrupulous marketers try and take shortcuts to acquiring traffic by spamming thousands or millions of emails but there are laws against that and even if you were to take precautions, no I'm not going to tell you how to take precautions, you still run a huge risk of being hauled into court. Best case scenario is that you'll get fined and worst case scenario is that you'll go to jail for an extended vacation.

I highly recommend not even considering spamming as any small gains it may get you will be dwarfed by the fines and penalties which will eventually catch up to you.

Now there are literally hundreds of niche's that can make you money. In fact, there are so many niche's that I would know where to start listing them all.

I did say at the start of this article that I would tell you what the "easiest" way to make money on the Internet was. Well, it's something that has been around for a while and I'm sure you've heard of it. eBay is the answer, there are plenty of people making a very good living on eBay every day, day in and day out, 365 days per year.

I'm not advertising for eBay mind you, and you should be aware that it isn't exactly easy running an eBay based business either. Yet whether you sell things you have around the house and just don't need any longer or you actively seek out products to sell it's still work and it's by no means a 'quick buck' but it's something you can start doing right now. You may even discover that you enjoy having a part-time eBay business.

I don't want to turn anyone off to the idea of making money or even a living on the Internet, it's possible and many people do it.

The purpose of this article is rather to tell you honestly what it's like to be an Internet marketer of any type. It's hard work, it can mean long hours and it can seem like you just can't seem to get ahead.

No matter what you decide to do here is my advice to you. Don't buy any 'Make Money On-line" programs or classes. They are only in the business of selling dreams that they know you'll never reach with their systems.

By all means use Google and seek out information on On-line marketing. Find some message boards where other marketers discuss many different aspects including strategy. You'll learn more from these forums then you'll ever learn from any "Guru".

Don't be discouraged, you can make money On-line and it doesn't have to cost you a single red cent to start. Get a free blog, or free website. Sign up with an Affiliate and start trying different things to attempt to get traffic to your site.

Remember, you can test the waters of On-line marketing entirely for free and you can certainly practice building a converting traffic stream for your website entirely for free.

Here's a hint, set up a MySpace page and sign up for as many social-bookmarking sites that you can and keep submitting every new page and every change to your website to these social Web 2.0 sites.

Use the blog feature built into MySpace to post new and up to date information about your website, what it's about, what has changed, what content you've added, etc. etc. etc.

So the truth is if anyone is promising you a "Rose Garden" then they are selling you a bunk because if it were all that easy everyone would be On-line doing all forms of marketing. There is no such thing as 'Easy Money' so put those thoughts out of your head right now.

THIS PART IS IMPORTANT: Whatever you do, don't ever buy a pre-made, 'turnkey', ready to earn thousands of dollars, websites. This trick is as old as the Internet and the site you end up buying won't earn you a dime unless you know how to modify it heavily and if even then it's still not likely. You'll have problems with technical support from the company you bought your site from and it will turn into a very expensive lesson, that frankly, I don't think you want to experience as it will likely cost you between $1500-$10,000 easily.

However, if you want to make some money right away then I still recommend selling some stuff you no longer need on eBay. If for no other reason then to get a taste for how everything works. Who knows, someone might pay you handsomely for those golf-clubs you haven't touched in two years.

What makes eBay such a good choice in my opinion? Well, the thing that eBay has plenty of already is traffic of people. These people are already actively looking to buy something and based on the quantity of people that use eBay every day, you are very likely to successfully auction off whatever you're wanting to sell.

By: Rob Korczak

big seminar 14

Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

big seminar 14

Google Mobile App For iOS - Geek <b>News</b> Central

There's a free Google Mobile App that I found in the iPod/iPhone app store that I decided to give a try. On loading it for the first time, I immediately.

Be A Part of the Oscars Movie <b>News</b> &amp; Movie Reviews | Geo Blog

Do you like reading movie news and movie reviews? All of us without exception love the movies. They allow us to escape into a fantasy world and get away from our everyday realities if only for a while. Sitting in front of the screen at ...

Econbrowser: The employment <b>news</b> is good (I think)

The employment news is good (I think). The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.8% in November to 9.0% in January, as big a two-month drop as we've seen in the last 50 years (hooray! ...

big seminar 14

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